Convention Main Page

53rd Annual Convention 2019 |
How to Volunteer

Attend a Continuing Education Event for Free ...

Graduate Students: Volunteer and attend a Clinical Intervention Training, Workshop, Master Clinician Seminar, Institute, or an AMASS for free!

In exchange for free admission to one of these excellent sessions, you will need to arrive half an hour before the start of your session, collect entrance tickets, assist leaders, and collect evaluation forms.

Only graduate students who are preregistered for the convention may take advantage of this opportunity. All volunteers must pay the general registration fee. Volunteers will be selected on a first-come, first-serve basis. ABCT student members preferred.

Contact Student Volunteer Chair Gaby Liverant, at, and make sure that "ABCT Convention Volunteer Request" is in the subject line of the email.

The written request must include the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Mobile number
  • E-mail address
  • Hours you can be reached by phone
  • Graduate Program
  • The following information about each session at which you wish to work:
    Number • Full Title • Presenter • Day • Time
  • Name of faculty mentor, if you are working with one.

You may list a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 sessions. Indicate your preferences in priority order. We will try to accommodate as many students as possible in the assignments, which will be distributed in November.

Please note: To be eligible, you must be a graduate student who has preregistered as a student member or student nonmember of ABCT. ABCT student members are preferred. We cannot guarantee that you will be assigned to your first-choice session. If attendance at a particular session is essential to you, please buy a ticket (pay the fee) so that you may attend if not chosen as the volunteer. If you are then chosen, your payment will be refunded after the convention. Please remember to ask for the refund in an email to

Deadline for the volunteer call is Friday, September 13, 2019.



Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
305 7th Avenue, 16th Fl., New York, NY 10001 | Phone (212) 647-1890 | Fax: (212) 647-1865
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