Topics of Interest | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Enhancing CBT by Drawing Strength From Multiple Disciplines
Topics of Interest
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
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WK3Intensive CBT for Youth With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Jamie Micco
Sym45Expanding our Understanding of Obsessive Compulsive Related Disorders through the Study of Emotions Beyond Anxiety
Hilary Weingarden
Sym132Developments in Understanding Hoarding Disorder: A Focus on Phenomenology, Risk, and Treatment
Kiara Timpano
Sym109New Directions in Research on Scrupulosity
Ryan Jacoby
Sym133Innovations in the Treatment of OCD in Youth: from Mechanisms to Management
Lara Farrell
Sym20Examining the Underlying Neurobiology and Phenomenology of Repetitive Behaviors Sarah Morris
Sym46Understanding the Tole of Disgust in Anxiety and Cbsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders: A Transdiagnostic Approach
Hana Zickgraf
Sym21Novel Methods of Assessment and Treatment Delivery for Youth OCD
Andrea Nave
Sym6Reaching Families in the Treatment of OC
Johanna Thompson-Hollands
Sym91Recent Advances in Understanding and Treating OCD: Mechanisms of Change and Novel Treatment Targets
Kiara Timpano
Sym134Community Based Interventions for Hoarding Disorder Christiana Bratiotis
Sym80Treatment-resistant OCD: What Pharmacological and Cognitive-Behavioral Augmentation Strategies Work, and for Which Patients?
Laurie Zandberg
Sym32Emotion Regulation across Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders
Melissa Norberg
MCS3Comprehensive Cognitive Behavior Therapy for OCD to Maximize Gains
Lata McGinn
Sym112Behavioral Research in Tourette Syndrome: Standing on the Shoulders of Neuroscience, Psychiatry, and Neurology
Matthew Capriotti



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