Sym31 | Individuals with Substance Use Disorders Involved with the Criminal Justice System: Implications for Treatment Mandy Owens |
Sym58 | Anger Rumination and Self-Perceptions in Externalizing Behaviors Bradley White |
Sym7 | Stress and Coping on Both Sides of the Law: Mindfulness-Based Interventions with Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Populations Sarah Bowen |
Sym27 | Anger and Aggression in Borderline Personality Disorder: Using Multidisciplinary Approaches to Explore Predictors, Functions, and Outcomes Jessica Peters |
CRT | New Directions in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anger and Aggression Denis Sukhodolsky |
PD | Addressing Peer Victimization Across Settings: Perspectives from Diverse Disciplines Andrea Nave |
Sym93 | Multi-method Examination of Mechanisms Underlying Women's Intimate Partner Aggression Nicole Weiss |
Sym114 | Enhancing Assessment and Treatment for Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence Galina Portnoy |
Sym52 | Intimate Partner Violence Assessment and Treatment in Military Populations Adam LaMotte |
Sym53 | Adapting Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Techniques to Treat Intimate Partner Violence Erika Lawrence |
Sym84 | Victim Intoxication During Sexual Trauma: Clarifying Key Questions Anna Jaffe |