Attendee Orientation to the ABCT Convention

Enhancing CBT by Drawing Strength From Multiple Disciplines
Attendee Orientation to the ABCT Convention
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To maximize your ABCT convention experience, join us first thing Friday morning!

Rise and shine! Meet at the Grand Ballroom D, Fifth floor from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m.

Jon Grayson, Membership Committee Chair;

Danielle Maack, Student Membership Committee Chair;

David DiLillo, Membership Issues Coordinator;

Hilary Vidair, ABCT Ambassadors Chair;

Mary Jane Eimer, Executive Director of ABCT;

and surprise guests from ABCT governance want to meet you.

Enjoy a cup of coffee and get your personal blueprint to the Convention.

Whether you are a first-time convention attendee or just want to refresh your memory on how to navigate the Convention, all are welcome. Learn how to take full advantage of networking opportunities, how to make the Convention program book your personal road map, and how to utilize the online convention itinerary planner.

Also learn how to stay connected to ABCT throughout the year via our website, Facebook page, Special Interests Groups, and other networking opportunities. Plus, be on the lookout for members wearing Ambassador ribbons. They can answer any lingering questions about ABCT in general. We look forward to meeting you soon.


Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
305 7th Avenue, 16th Fl., New York, NY 10001 | Phone (212) 647-1890 | Fax: (212) 647-1865
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