Clinical Case Demonstration for ABCBP
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Conference Room F
7:00 – 8:30 PM
In-Vivo Clinical Case Demonstration
American Board of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology
Three former Presidents of the American Board of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology (ABCBP) will watch an adult intake interview. Then, each of these senior clinical behavior therapists will present their analysis of the problem in terms of possible causal stimuli, maintaining agents, and specific behaviors to be remediated. They will show how they would work with the person and will discuss the time frame required to produce the desired outcome. Questions and answers will make this experience similar to that required of candidates for Board Certification.
Howard Kassinove, Hofstra University
Barry Lubetkin, Institute for Behavior Therapy, New York
E. Thomas Dowd, Kent State University
Christopher Martell, University of Washington
Free and open to all who might be thinking about certification in CBP