ABCT - Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies - Convention 2009 - New York City
ABCT 43rd Annual Convention New York
Call for ABCT Students to Serve as an International Colleague
Application Form Printable Version

ABCT is excited to announce the launch of a new networking opportunity for students:
The International Student Colleague Program!

What is the program?

The International Student Colleague Program pairs students from different countries with students from the United States or Canada. Pairing is based on research interests and language match.

This is a great opportunity for networking with students from different parts of the world who share similar professional interests, plus the ability to introduce your student colleague to your colleagues, friends and ABCT leaders, and show them the best that ABCT has to offer!

What are the requirements?

Host students need to have attended an ABCT convention in the past and be familiar with the association such as knowing about Special Interest Groups (SIGs), the Friday night SIG Expo & Welcoming Cocktail Party, the program book, and willing to spend some time with the student colleague during the convention .

To participate, students will be required to complete a short application so that the best possible match is made. The application will be made available on the ABCT website.

What time commitment is involved?

Once you are paired with a student, you will be sent information about contacting your International student colleague to answer any questions about ABCT or the convention. You are encouraged to establish correspondence via email or phone. You are also asked to meet with your student colleague at the convention and introduce them to other ABCT members.

More information will be made available on the ABCT website and the list-serve

Who do I contact if I have questions?

Please contact T. Lindsey Burrell at or Joaquin Borrego at for more information!

Please use subject heading: ABCT International Student Colleague Program


Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
305 7th Avenue, 16th Fl., New York, NY 10001 | Phone (212) 647-1890 | Fax: (212) 647-1865
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